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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

Egg Experiment

¡EGG EXPERIMENT! Hi, for this experiment we (Martina and me, Stiliana) are going to throw an egg from a second floor without getting cracked. For this experimet we had to follow  some steps.      1. IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM: The building is on fire and we have to get down the egg, throwing it from the fourth. How are we going to do it?       2. PROPOSE SOLUTIONS: Parachute Nutella pot  Slime in a bottle Ballons Figure of straws      3. DRAW OF MY SOLUTION:      4. MATERIALS TO USE: We're going to use straws, a really important problem of the contamination of plastic, but ours are made with recylce plastic. Finally, to fix it all, we are going to use scotch tape and for covering the egg for a second help with cotton.      5. COSTS: EXEL      6. ASSESSMENT: VIDEO          7. CONCLUSIONS: We tought that was a really good and original idea and using geometry we really think that would work. We were thinking  abou