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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2020


Construction and innovation in wood in Finland: What is this? And what does it consist of ? Wood construction is a project of the Finnish Government. The aim is to increase industrial wood construction and exports, but also the environmental and climate friendliness of construction.  A wooden building acts as a carbon storage throughout its life, even hundreds of years. Finnish wood construction regulates, such as fire safety problems, will be allowed to use wood equal footing with concrete and steel. For long, Finland’s strength in wood construction has been the construction of single-family homes and summer cottages.  According to a recent study by the "Pellervo Economic Research Institute" , more than 80 per cent of detached houses in Finland have a wooden frame and practically all leisure homes are made of wood.

Countries Eco-friendly

1. Are there any countries that are more developed? 1.1 SWITZERLAND  Yes, of course.  The first one is Switzerland, the air quality and the climate protection are the most famous facts about this country. It is the first country in the European Union to commit to the ONU by reducing emissions by fifty percent. 1.2 FRANCE France, next to Denmark,are the countries that have protected marine areas, and stands out in terms of protection of bioclimatic landscapes.  The Food Sustainability Index rates countries on how they deal with food-related issues including nutrition, agriculture methods and food waste, and France is in the top 5. 1.3 DENMARK The Scandinavian country demonstrated its commitment to obtain high scores in environmental health. And has a higher air quality than Spain, for example. As for the vitality of the ecosystem, it is, together with France, in the first position in the protection of marine areas. To this is added that it is also in the t


What thoughts of current laws encourage the use of renewable energy to obtain more sustainable buildings? Sustainable construction is a dynamic between developers of new solutions, investors, the construction industry, professional services, industry suppliers and other relevant parties towards sustainable development.  In 2015 they finished and publicaded the governement of Spain this two laws: Law of floor (Ley del Suelo) Urban Rehabilitation (Rehablilitación Urbana) With the main objective is the efficient development of the urban envioronment  sustainably and  competitivly.   And it doen't exits other laws that makes you not waste that much water or gas.  They just give you advances to do it better but it's you're option to do it or not. Give examples of what factors are taken into account in new constructions:(but it isn't a law, this might be) - Made with eco materials. - Using energy coming from renovable materials.

Eco Houses

ECO HOUSES  What is it? [ Is an environmentally low-impact home designed and built using materials and technology that reduces its carbon footprint and lowers its energy needs] What are they based of? What is different than the other normal houses? An eco house must include some of this features: Sustainable materials. Energy loss and from renovable sources. Isulation. Passive solar gain. The eco houses and normal houses doesn't get electricity and gas by the same way.  This is a example of a men building his own house, the most eco-friendly, his youtube channel is "Jungle Survival".

Top 5 Eco-friendly Materials For Construction

TOP 5 ECO-FRIENDLY MATERIALS These are the best solution for construction for the 2020, eco-friendly talking. 1- BAMBOO Sustainability experts nearly universally agree bamboo is one of the best eco-friendly building materials on the planet. Bamboo technically is a perennial grass, not a wood, and it continues spreading and growing without having to be replanted after harvest. It is around the world and can be found on every continent except Europe and Antarctica. Bamboo has a high strength-to-weight ratio and exceptional durability 2- RECYCLED OR RECLAIMED METAL The metal is properly and efficiently reused or recycled into new products, its embodied energy lower and makes the material more sustainable. Recycled metal is a long-lasting material that does not need frequent replacement. It tends not to burn, making it a viable option for roofing, structural supports and building "façades". It's also water and pest resistant.