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Countries Eco-friendly

1. Are there any countries that are more developed?


Yes, of course.  The first one is Switzerland, the air quality and the climate protection are the most famous facts about this country.

It is the first country in the European Union to commit to the ONU by reducing emissions by fifty percent.
Resultado de imagen de switzerland


France, next to Denmark,are the countries that have protected marine areas, and stands out in terms of protection of bioclimatic landscapes. 
Imagen relacionada

The Food Sustainability Index rates countries on how they deal with food-related issues including nutrition, agriculture methods and food waste, and France is in the top 5.


The Scandinavian country demonstrated its commitment to obtain high scores in environmental health. And has a higher air quality than Spain, for example.

As for the vitality of the ecosystem, it is, together with France, in the first position in the protection of marine areas. To this is added that it is also in the top positions in biodiversity and habitat.

Resultado de imagen de dinamarca

What are doing in Denmark is that the consumation of organic products will be encouraged, which is why the government, together with all state public institutions, will implement the exclusive consumption of organic food.


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Egg Experiment

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